Scheduling Scenarios

New approach to scheduling that prioritizes extreme flexibility.

Release your teams from the rigid rules and let them work at their optimal level in the way that suits them best.

Built to flex

Each support team is different. Our scheduling solution can handle your team's unique ways of working.

Agent-first scheduling

Our AI scheduling platform prevents agent burnout by limiting daily hours on specific channels, minimizing task switching to enhance focus and productivity, and tailoring tasks to agent's skills, ensuring that tasks align with their expertise.

What-if scenarios

Explore hypothetical situations to understand their potential impact on your operations. Simulate scenarios like increased customer demand, unexpected staff shortages, or changes in resource availability. Analyze how these scenarios would affect employee schedules, workloads, and overall productivity. Proactively adjust schedules, allocate resources more effectively, and mitigate potential disruptions before they occur.

Flexible Automation

Simply input your requirements, such as employee availability, skill sets, and business needs, and our advanced AI algorithm will do the rest. Sit back and relax as the system works its magic, analyzing countless permutations to offer you a scheduling variation that optimally balances the needs of your agents and your business.

No adjustments necesary

Say goodbye to making dozens of manual adjustments after publishing your schedule. Our system is flexible, it can account for exceptions, holidays, training days, agent's personal scheduling limitations and many other specifics of your business.  

Elevate  your
Customer Support

Scheduling. Forecasting. Reporting. All done well.

Agent-first scheduling

Modern teams work in various ways - remote, 23/7, across time zones, part-time and full time. We account for all scenarios.

Adaptive forecasting

AI forecasting is different. It learns from volume behavior and self-adjusts based on business needs and market conditions.  

Personalized reporting

Not all reports are equal. Some are structured for leadership, some for managers, some for agents. No more generic or one-size-fits-all formats.  

Flexible automation

Our AI algorithm works its magic to analyze countless permutations to offer you a schedule that optimally balances all stakeholders.

Non-intrusive agent tracking

Clocking in and out is annoying. We've done it ourselves and rebelled against it. Aimiable tracks agent's activity via alternative channels.  

+ Many more features

Learn how Aimiable can improve your business.

Our happy customers

"Busy season was 3 months of hell for my team, Aimiable is doing amazing things for me"
Head of CS at Forma
"My former way to do scheduling made me think fondly of root canals, so glad that's over"
Dr SC ECampus
"My team uses Slack to track agent activity and everyone loves it"
Dr CS Knack

Integrate with your favorite tools

We integrate with major ticketing systems, starting with Zendesk. You can also hand any CSV file directly to an AI assistant to get data interpreted on the fly.

Discover our other features

Scheduling. Forecasting. Reporting. All done well.