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You don't need too many features, all your need is an easy, flexible system that works great.

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Pull ticket volume from your ticketing system
Forecast with AI
Schedule via multi-channel scheduler
Integrate Slack for agent check-ins and outs

You want to take advantage of all the automation and functionality that AI has to offer.

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Everything in Core +
Forecast with custom AI models per channel
Review contact volume and staffing heat-maps
Remove outliers with AI
Run AI shift scenarios
Integrate agent work preferences
Apply the best shift to scheduler automatically
Review real-time dashboard
Look at granular schedule analytics
Check out adherence & performance reporting
Get forecasting and scheduling AI evaluation

Essential tools for small teams and startups.


Essential tools for small teams and startups.

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Our happy customers

"Busy season was 3 months of hell for my team, Aimiable is doing amazing things for me"
Head of CS at Forma
"My former way to do scheduling made me think fondly of root canals, so glad that's over"
Dr SC ECampus
"My team uses Slack to track agent activity and everyone loves it"
Dr CS Knack


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What is agent-first schedule?

Aimiable "agent-first schedule" is designed to prioritize the needs and preferences of the agents when creating work schedules, in addition to  focusing on the operational requirements of the business. We account for preferred working hours, desired days off, and other personal preferences of the agents.

What are features of an agent-first schedule?

Flexibility: The schedule provides agents with more control over their working hours, allowing them to balance work and personal life more effectively.

Preferences and Availability: Agents can input their availability and preferences, which are then taken into account when creating the schedule.

Employee Satisfaction: By prioritizing the needs and preferences of agents, the agent-first schedule aims to increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover rates.

Productivity and Performance: Satisfied and well-rested agents are likely to be more productive and provide better customer service, which can positively impact overall performance.‍

Benefits of an Agent-First Schedule?

Improved Morale: Agents feel valued and respected when their preferences are considered, leading to higher morale and job satisfaction.

Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover: By accommodating agents' needs, we reduce likelihood of absenteeism and turnover.

Better Customer Service: Happy agents are typically more engaged and motivated, leading to better customer interactions and service quality.

Enhanced Work-Life Balance: Agents can achieve a better balance between their professional and personal lives, contributing to overall well-being.

What is Custom AI Forecast?

Aimiable "custom AI forecast" refers to a tailored predictive model designed to forecast specific outcomes using artificial intelligence (AI). Our forecasts are customized to meet the unique needs and data characteristics of a particular business. Our AI forecasts leverage AI techniques, such as machine learning and deep learning, to analyze historical data and predict future trends.

Key Features of Custom AI Forecast?

Tailored Models: Unlike generic forecasting tools, custom AI forecasts are specifically designed to address the unique requirements of a particular business. This customization can involve selecting the most relevant data, algorithms, and model parameters.

Data Integration: Custom AI forecasts can integrate data from multiple sources, including historical records, real-time data feeds, and external data such as market trends, weather conditions, or social media signals.

Advanced Algorithms: Our forecasts use advanced AI algorithms and techniques ensemble methods, and reinforcement learning, to improve prediction accuracy.

Continuous Improvement: Our models are continuously updated and refined based on new data, improving their accuracy over time.‍

Benefits of Custom AI Forecast?

Higher Accuracy: Tailored models provide more accurate predictions by focusing on the most relevant data and using appropriate algorithms.

Business Relevance: Custom forecasts are designed to meet the specific needs of a business, making them more relevant and actionable.

Cost Savings: By improving prediction accuracy, businesses can reduce costs associated with overproduction, underproduction, and inefficiencies.

Competitive Advantage: Businesses that use advanced, customized forecasting gains a competitive edge by making better-informed decisions.

Risk Management: Improved forecasting helps in identifying potential risks and taking proactive measures to mitigate them.

Do you use any customer data?

We prioritize your data privacy and security by ensuring that we do not use any proprietary customer information. Our system only requires raw, anonymized numbers, completely devoid of any personal details about your customers or specifics regarding their issues and needs. This means that all sensitive information is kept confidential and never accessed by our platform. By focusing solely on aggregated and depersonalized data, we can provide powerful insights and optimize your customer ops strategies without compromising privacy. This approach not only protects your customers' identities but also aligns with stringent data protection regulations, giving you peace of mind while leveraging advanced analytics to enhance your business operations.