On-Demand AI Forecasting for the CS teams

New approach to Customer Support operations that your team will actually enjoy.

Missed forecasts
Hard to use ops platforms
Rigid scheduling tools
Missed forecasts
Hard to use ops platforms
Rigid scheduling tools
Hyper flexible agent-first scheduling system
AI forecast that learns and improves
Simple, easy, joyful experience
Hyper flexible agent-first scheduling system
AI forecast that learns and improves
Simple, easy, joyful experience

Simple, yet powerful

Scheduling, forecasting, reporting that fits your team, really.

New approach to scheduling  

Ultra-Flexible Scheduling

Burnout-Free Shifts

Prevent burnout by limiting the number of hours agents work per day on any channel (e.g. 3 hours per day maximum on phones).

Focus-Centered Shifts

Reduce frequent task switching by limiting the number of times agents switch tasks and controlling the minimum amount of time agents spend on any given task.

Skill-Focused Shifts

Generate a schedule tailored to existing agent availability and skills, ensuring no one is assigned tasks outside their skill set.

AI Forecasting

Next-level forecasting with AI models

Enhanced Accuracy

Experience significantly reduced error rates, ensuring precise and reliable forecasting results.

Data-Free Forecasting

Generate accurate forecasts even without historical data.

Agile Forecasting

Benefit from nimble forecasting capabilities, allowing for frequent re-forecasting to adapt to the latest market conditions.

Self-Improving Models

Utilize trainable models that continuously learn and improve over time, enhancing their predictive power and accuracy with each use.

Reports & Insights

Report beyond raw numbers  

Audience-Centric Reports

Create reports that are structured for leadership, managers, or agents, instead of generic or one-size-fits-all formats.

Personalized Reports

Show what matters to the specific interests, knowledge level, and priorities of your teams or your leadership.

Engaging Reports

Ensure that the information is engaging, relevant, and actionable for the audience.

Our happy customers

"Busy season was 3 months of hell for my team, Aimiable is doing amazing things for me"
Head of CS at Forma
"My former way to do scheduling made me think fondly of root canals, so glad that's over"
Dr SC ECampus
"My team uses Slack to track agent activity and everyone loves it"
Dr CS Knack

Your new AI-supported workforce manager

Agent scheduling improvements, picking up on forecasting trends, and surfacing key operational metrics.

Agent-first scheduling

Modern teams work in various ways - remote, 24/7, across time zones, part-time and full time. We account for all scenarios.

Adaptive Forecasting

AI forecasting is different. It learns from volume behavior and self-adjusts based on business needs and market conditions.  

Personalized reporting

Not all reports are equal. Some are structured for leadership, some for managers, some for agents. No more generic or one-size-fits-all formats.  

Hyper flexible automation

Our AI algorithm works its magic to analyze countless permutations to offer you a schedule that optimally balances all stakeholders.

Non-intrusive agent tracking

Clocking in and out is annoying. Aimiable tracks agent's activity via a Slack integration that naturally fits into your team's workflow.

Multi-channel and omni-channel

Allow your agents to work on multiple channels at the same time, in any configuration.

Customer support on autopilot

Agent scheduling improvements, picking up on forecasting trends, and surfacing key operational metrics.


Lower forecasting error rates compared to industry averages

3 min

Time it takes to generate flexible shifts for the entire team

30 sec

Time takes to apply the best shift to your modern scheduler

Integrate with your favorite tools

We integrate with major ticketing systems, starting with Zendesk. You can also hand any CSV file directly to an AI assistant to get data interpreted on the fly.

News & Resources

5 min read

Hybrid 2.0: Why your customer support team needs both human empathy and AI efficiency

Read an thought leadership piece by our CEO, Olga Gomonova in AI Journal.

5 min read

Are you failing your Gen Z employees?

Gen Z will make up 25% of the global workforce by 2025. They crave flexibility, cutting-edge tech, and meaningful work in support roles. We might think we're keeping up, but are our systems? There's a risk that they're stuck in the dark ages! What does that mean for customer support? Read a post by our CEO in BDaily!

3 min read

The Rising Importance of Hybrid Human and AI Customer Support Teams

Customer support is now a mix of human expertise and AI capabilities, crucial for meeting customers' evolving needs. Hybrid teams, blending human agents and AI-powered solutions, are becoming essential.

1 min read

Aimiable is partnering with Support Driven

Aimiable is partnering with Support Driven, the community dedicated to Customer Support as a career. Support Driven is an online community of more than 9000 members who care deeply about support.

1 min read

Aimiable launched a Podcast - Support Ops Stories

Aimiable launched a Podcast dedicated to leaders of Customer Support operations. Called "Support Ops Stories", the podcast will mostly focus on real life stories of CS leaders and the human element of the career in support.